Program Description
Why is culture the hottest topic in businesses today? The crisis that the business world faces today is talent retention crisis. When surveyed, more than 50% of the business leaders rate this issue of culture as the No. 1 priority to drive business growth.
More than ever in all history, potential employees can now choose a company based on internet reviews. Therefore, your company’s culture and branding is no longer a secret but rather a public information.
According to New Deloitte Research, the culture of an organization is highly linked to employee engagement and retention. If you want to grow your business, you need good people. Good people are attracted and retained based on positive attributes and culture of a company.
Culture builders are winners because they attract great performers.
Are you scratching your head on how to grow your business results?
The answer is obvious: “Make your culture your No. 1 priority. Your People will grow and your results will show!
This program is a result of more than 10,000 hours of consulting and mentoring experience put together into a 2 days practical, hands on guidance.
Key Objectives
The business leaders will gain greater awareness of the impact of organisational culture on business performance
The business leaders will acquire the powerful principles that determine the greatness of their organisational culture
The business leaders will be able to assess their current organisational culture and their leadership quotient
The business leaders will derive a clear picture and definition of their desired organisational culture
The business leaders will make a strong commitment to model the desired organisational culture
The business leaders will gain insights on how to create a blueprint to cultivate a great organisational culture at all levels
Key topics
Day One
Brand and Culture
Why Organisational Culture Matters?
The Laws of Organisational Culture
Assess Your Organisational Culture
Day Two
Discover the Quests of your Employees
Redefine Your Organisational Culture
Embody Your Organisational Culture
Cultivate Your Organisational Culture